Application Process

Application Process

Each Person Age 18+ Must Apply Seperately

1. Drive by the unit to ensure you like the location, atmosphere, etc. prior to applying.

2. Call for a pre-screening interview and to schedule a viewing of the inside.
  • Prior to calling, if you believe you have issues with your credit score, debts, rental history, or criminal history, please review Sections XII (Decreasing deposits) and Section VIII (Criminal Review Process) of the Screening Criteria.
  • If you are concerned about not qualifying for a rental under the standard deposit criteria listed in the Screening Criteria, please read Section XII.
3. Complete the online application. Each adult ages 18+ must complete their own.
  • Prior to starting, ensure you have scanned in copies (preferably in pdf format but jpg is acceptable) of all required documents. You will need a flash drive. You may do it on the college computers for free (there is a help desk at Umpqua Community College library) and places such as Staples or Going Postal will do it for a reasonable charge.
  • Prior to starting, ensure you have all needed information such as landlord names, personal references, addresses, phone numbers, accurate dates, lic plate numbers of vehicles, bank account information, photos of animals, copy of Social Security card and state issued ID, paystubs, taxes, bank statements, award letters, and W-2’s, etc. as applicable.
  • Be prepared at the end of the application to upload the needed documents/photos. If you cannot upload them, please at least have them scanned in prior to making an appointment with Livingstone Properties help you upload them.
4. Be sure to include ALL required information. Incomplete applications cannot be processed and may be denied. All applicants intending on residing in the same unit must apply within 24 hours of each other. If an individual is listed as applying on an application but does not, the entire group of applications will be denied.

5. After the online application is complete and all documents are uploaded, call Livingstone Properties to let us know that you believe your application is complete.

6. If it is incomplete, we will notify you via email. If it is complete, we will request that you come in and pay the $15 fee (in office) or $25 fee (online) per adult screening fee. ALL ADULTS on the application must attend this meeting.

7. No decisions are made while tenants are present. 

8. We reserve the right to request additional supporting documentation after completely reviewing the application and doing the background check (references, credit, criminal.)

9. If you do not wish to apply online, an application can be emailed to you. Such application is NOT to be emailed back as it would contain confidential information. It may be snail-mailed or hand delivered to Going Postal at 4601 Carnes Rd #8100, Roseburg, OR 97471. Be sure to include photocopies of all supporting documents just as if you were applying online. This process is slower and may allow other applicants to complete the application process ahead of you. The application is not considered complete until Livingstone Properties uploads all the supporting documents and inputs the application information into the online application, which we will do at our earliest convenience.
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